I prayed for Yasmin. God has His reason but I did hope that the stroke won't take Yasmin away. We all know that there's a time for everything, but what a grieve it is for us Malaysians to witness an icon, if not an extraordinary person represented the weaker-influence groups of Malaysians (i.e. a female-open-minded-muslim) to leave us so suddenly. She is the future-Malaysian I hope my students grow up to be; she is the present one-Malaysian that Dato' Seri Najib can relate to.
We should credit her for her true-Malaysian lifestyle and exceptional art-pieces and films she had produced. Indeed we're suffering a great loss.
R.I.P. Yasmin Ahmad, 25th July 2009.
Rabun (My Failing Eyesight) (2003)
Rabun (My Failing Eyesight) (2003)
Sepet (Chinese Eye) (2004)
Gubra (Anxiety) (2006)
Mukhsin (2007)
Muallaf (The Convert) (2008)
Talentime (2009)