Sunday, June 5, 2011

To Win Is To Have The Heart

One thing the Dallas Mavericks team in the NBA and our tiny Serdang Baru 1 Primary School Basketball team have in common is that - we want to, and we need to prove ourselves.

We've been the underdogs for a long period or, most of the time. Although we've been producing some quality players and picked up some medals collectively as a team along the way in the district competitions, but not the gold yet for our U-12 team, be it boys or girls (We surprised a lot of people to came out as the U-10 Girls Champion last year, but that's not heavy enough).

As for the Mavs, they have:
Dirk Nowitzki and Jason Terry - Who lost to the Miami Heat in 2006 Finals when up with 2-0.
Jason Kidd - Appeared twice in the Finals but lost both to the Los Angeles Lakers in 2002 and San Antonio Spurs in 2003, respectively.
Shawn Marion - Been to the Western Conference Finals with the Phoenix Suns but never got through.
Peja Stojakovic - Similar experience as the Matrix while wearing the Sacramento Kings jersey.
Deshawn Stevenson - Called himself the Lebron Stopper when facing the King who was still a Cavs back then but never really lived up to that name.
Tyson Chandler, JJ Barea, Brian Cardinal and Ian Mahinmi - All were doubted even to be legitimate NBA players.
Some more, the now injured Brendan Haywood and unwanted free agent Corey Brewer. Which means the WHOLE team.

When I say the whole team, that's including their head coach, Rick Carlisle, who built the foundation for the 2004 Champions, the Detroit Pistons but was fired prior to that championship year.

With so much heart-breakings, tears, sweat and blood shed like them, I have no choice but to fall in love with this beautiful Dallas team. They've been playing their heart out throughout the course of this playoff. They carried each other's back, hustled the whole game, shared the ball and always looked for the best chance to score. Most amazingly, they never gave up.

That's where all the great comebacks they've succeeded in every round came from, including the one, game 2 of the Finals which made me cry at the end of it because they didn't give up to fight even with a 15-point deficit in the last 5 minutes.

That's what basketball is all about, it's about effort. It's about who wants to win the most. It's about being a TEAM to do it together.

Now, with the Mavs up 3-2, just one more win away to crown themselves as the NBA champions of 2011, their time is NOW.
Go Mavs!!!!!!!!!!

ps. We're going to have 30 over new boys and more than 30 new girls joining our school team next Monday. It's a new chapter in our school team history. In order not to lose, we will have to give our heart for every practice, to work really hard, the time is now. Go SB1!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Shaq-a-Claus delivers gifts

Adapted from :-)

by Anton Kudriavtsev/@TheDiesel

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even Jerry Krause.
The banners were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Sternbot soon would be there.

The players were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of max contracts danced in their heads.
Free agents and those wanting a trade
Begin dreaming of possibilities made.

When out on the court there arose such a clatter,
They sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to half court they flew like a flash,
Tore open the floor to discover ‘Toine’s old stash.

They opened the box and like angels did sing
Money, some notes, and Artest’s pawned ring.
When, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, is that Bill Laimbeer?

The sled did shake and the players stepped back
They knew in a moment it must be St. Shaq!
More rapid than Rose escaping his SAT’s
He whistled, and shouted, and called them with glee!

“Now Amar’e! Now, Dirk! Now, Durant and Dwight!
On, Bron! On, Kobe! Don’t invite Chris Bosh and we’ll be alright.
To the top of the key! Quick like John Wall!
For we have much presents to deliver to all!”

For Rondo, as smooth as he is with the rock
For his form, I give him a brand new Shotloc.
Give Delonte the right number to dial
For KG, the blood of his enemies in a vial.

To Oden some thick pads for his knees
For Durant a protein shake – lift, brother please!
As Melo receives his double air miles
Tim Duncan opens his present with no smiles.

For Paul Pierce the full series of “Matlock”
For Jennings an upside down frown for when he’s blocked.
Blake Griffin, I deliver a new pogo stick
To mock your opponents, thine dunks be so sick!

For Joakim a new conditioner for the hair
For LeBron a hologram, to pretend a ring’s there.
Forget you Kobe? Never the gall
To you I give the best present of all:
Shock collars for all your teammates, no waste
Don’t pass you the ball? How do 120 volts taste?

We say “Merry Christmas” to one and to all
Except Turkoglu, to whom we simply say “ball”!